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- Ron Moore and Joss Whedon's letter to the showrunners
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Note: Of all the pages on the Fans4Writers website, our Links page is where we try to offer you access to as much information as possible. As such, any given link's appearance on this page does not necessarily constitute an endorsement by Fans4Writers, but merely reflects our desire to provide as much access as possible to information about, and activities surrounding, the strike.
We are working on ways to make such distinctions clearer. As always, any questions or comments can be directed to the Fans4Writers Forum.

Fans Supporting the Strike
I am your number one fan.
- Annie Wilkes, Misery (Screenwriter William Goldman)
- Fans4Writers on MySpace
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- "Fans for the WGA" on LiveJournal
- "Support the Writers Guild of America" MySpace
- "Supporting the Writers Guild of America Strike" MySpace
- "Support the WGA! End the Strike!" MySpace
- "Fan Strike Support" Pledge
- Writers strike comes to Cambridge - with Joss Whedon!
- Strike Watch Blog
- "Fans for the WGA" Forum
- Office Fans for Office Writers
- Soaptown USA
- SUPERNATURAL TV LiveJournal Community
- Supernatural Fans' Strike Support Sign
- "Television Fans United in Support of the WGA" Petition
- WHEDONesque
- No Fact Zone's "Operation Superstantial Truthiness"(Colbert fans)
- Bardicvoice's Supernatural Descant
- The Unit HQ
- LiveJournal Battlestar Blog
- 24Addict fan community
- For Whedon's upcoming Dollhouse - Dollhouse Echo
- LiveJournal Community for Drive fans
- Las Vegas fansite
- Battlestar Galactica So Say We All
- Bardicvoice's Supernatural Descant's Strike Survival Strategies
- Fandom Rocks
- The Fan Union
- Bring TV Back blog
- Criminal Minds Fanatic
- Fans4Writers fan skinjobtoaster supports the writers
- Fans4writers fan rubberpoultry Supports the Jericho Writers
(Go to our site forum to see Fans4Writers fan forums.)
More Strike Links
Understanding the Strike
Keeping Up on the Strike
Writers Writing About the Strike
Below the Line - The First Line
Other Strike-Related Info
Who's Talking About Us
Strike-Related Videos (Or, Don't Mess With a Writer)
Strike and Labor Films, Movies, TV Shows
Fans4Writers is unaffiliated with the WGA, except in spirit.
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